Joshua Inwood Co-Authors Study on Tracking Offensive Street Names Across America

Joshua Inwood Co-Authors Study on Tracking Offensive Street Names Across America

University Park, Pa. — Joshua Inwood, professor of geography and senior research associate in the Rock Ethics Institute, co-authored an article originally published in The Conversation that highlights a new app developed to track offensive street names across the United States.

Written in collaboration with Derek H. Alderman from the University of Tennessee and Daniel Oto-Peralías from Universidad Pablo de Olavide, the article examines how these street names perpetuate racial slurs and harmful stereotypes.

Image of Joshua Inwood
Joshua Inwood

The app, created by the STNAMES LAB, allows users to visualize and document the widespread presence of discriminatory street names, promoting awareness and supporting community efforts to create more inclusive spaces.

The article has been widely re-published, including in the Wausau Pilot & Review, where you can read the full version.

Photo of Columbus Circle and Broadway street signs