Sarah Clark Miller
Sarah Clark Miller
Sarah Clark Miller received her doctoral degree in philosophy from Stony Brook University and her bachelor of arts degree in dance and philosophy (magna cum laude) from Haverford College. Miller’s research and teaching interests include theoretical and practical ethics, social and political philosophy, feminist theory, and the history of moral philosophy. She has published on the themes of global ethics, need and obligation, harm and moral injury, Kant's practical philosophy, biomedical ethics, and Simone de Beauvoir in journals such as Social Theory and Practice and The Journal of Social Philosophy. Her first book, The Ethics of Need: Agency, Dignity, and Obligation, appeared with Routledge Press in 2012. She is currently writing a second book on global responsibility.
Miller is involved in several of the Rock Ethics Institute's initiatives, with a current focus on K–12 Moral Literacy and sexual violence. She also is a board member of the Philosophy in an Inclusive Key Summer Institute (PIKSI), a program housed at the Rock Ethics Institute that is designed to encourage undergraduates from underrepresented groups to consider future study in philosophy.
In 2009, Miller received two national awards: the March of Dimes Young Scholar Award in Perinatal Bioethics from the American Society for Bioethics and Humanities and the March of Dimes, and the Award for Best Paper by a Young Faculty Member from the Association for Practical and Professional Ethics. She was also awarded the Early Career Research Award by the University of Memphis (2009).
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