2022 Mark Luchinsky Memorial Lecture

2022 Mark Luchinsky Memorial Lecture
Jan 24, 2022
– 8:00PM
The State Theatre

The Schreyer Honors College will host its annual Mark Luchinsky Memorial Lecture featuring ABC News Veteran and Co-creator/host of What Would You Do?, Mr. John Quiñones.

He will present A 20/20 Vision for the World: Building Bridges not Walls” at the State Theatre downtown from 7-8 p.m. on Monday, January 24, 2022.  His moving presentations focus on his odds-defying journey, celebrate the life-changing power of education, champion the Latino American Dream, and provide thought-provoking insights into human nature and ethical behavior.

The Rock Ethics Institute is a proud co-sponsor of this event.



Topic(s): General, Global Issues, Health, Public Life