World in View: Can We Physically Design the Future for Better Social Equity?

Discussion led by Dr. Alexandra Staub (Penn State) and Dr. Bülent Batuman (Bilkent University; Ankara, Turkey)
Our built environment exists at several interlocked scales: individual buildings shelter us, represent our aspirations, and mark our perceived place in the world; neighborhood systems offer identity and in the best case a sense of community, while cities connect us to larger needs such as economic opportunities, education, and health and recreation.
Planning the physical environment is left largely to certified professionals, whose background and training are often technical rather than rooted in epistemic standards derived from conditions of humanity. Put another way, the professionalization of the process by which we shape our built environment has gone hand in hand with a critical loss of regard based on an understanding of history, and acknowledgement of social patterns or current social needs.
The proposed discussion session will examine the role that everyday stakeholders can play in physically shaping our future, and with it the framework for cultural expression. The talk will examine how broadening the definition of design considerations can lead to stakeholder agency and better social equity. Please complete this reading ahead of the discussion.
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Questions about the event should be directed to Sarah Lyall-Combs,