Bryan McDonald
Bryan McDonald
Bryan McDonald’s research focuses on the intersection of environment and security around food in American history since the end of World War II. His current book project examines the use of food as a form of American power from 1945 to 1975. He is also working on an interdisciplinary manuscript that uses history and ethics to examine the ideas used by Americans during the second half of the twentieth century to conceptualize good food.
McDonald’s first book, Food Security (Polity Press 2010), explored how understandings of world food problems shifted during the late twentieth century. He is also the co-editor of two books that examine challenges to human security: Global Environmental Change and Human Security (MIT Press 2009) and Landmines and Human Security: International Politics and War’s Hidden Legacy (SUNY Press 2004).
McDonald’s articles and reviews have appeared in Penn State Journal of Law and International Affairs, Global Environmental Politics, Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, Studies in Conflict and Terrorism, Environment, The Environmental Change and Security Project Report, Global Environmental Politics, and The Natural Resources Journal, among others.