Emily Rosenman
Emily Rosenman
Emily Rosenman is an assistant professor of geography in Penn State’s College of Earth and Mineral Sciences. She received her doctoral degree in geography from the University of British Columbia in 2017.
Rosenman is an urban and economic geographer who researches the impacts of finance-led interventions in socio-environmental crises. Her recent work investigates the dynamics of finance and exploitation in different types of humanitarian interventions.
Current projects focus on the impact of monetary policy on socioeconomic inequality, social movements surrounding “ethical capitalism,” energy retrofitting in low-income housing, and global trends in 21st century philanthropy.
Rosenman has published research articles in journals such as Progress in Human Geography, Antipode, Environment and Planning: Economy and Space, and Urban Geography – as well as public-facing outlets like The Conversation. She is the book review editor at CITY: Analysis of Urban Change, Theory, Action and the 2021–23 vice chair for the Economic Geography Specialty Group of the American Association of Geographers.
Project Title: Philanthropy and urban governance: The ethics of philanthropic “repair” of social injustice
Abstract: Ethical issues in philanthropy involve relationships between concentrated wealth and concentrated poverty, the responsibility that wealthy families and individuals have to society, and how to ensure that philanthropic gifts are put to good use. This project investigates how philanthropic actors understand and act to alleviate racial and economic inequality through case studies of philanthropic activity in U.S. cities that are segregated by race and income—and how philanthropic giving interacts with democratic decision-making and urban governance. Based on interviews and publicly-available data on philanthropic endowments and giving patterns, the project will lead to an academic journal article and articles for a general audience.

Rock Ethics Institute Faculty Fellow, 2021–2022