Michelle Rodino-Colocino
Michelle Rodino-Colocino
An award-winning scholar, Michelle Rodino-Colocino serves as associate professor of media studies in Penn State’s Donald P. Bellisario College of Communications. She also is an affiliate faculty in Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies at the College of the Liberal Arts. She taught for three years as an assistant professor at the University of Cincinnati before coming to Penn State.
Rodino-Colocino’s research has been funded by the Smithsonian Institute, Wayne State University’s Reuther Library, Penn State’s Institute for Arts and Humanities (now Humanities Institute), and the Bellisario College of Communications. In 2012, the Division of Critical and Cultural Studies of the National Communication Association honored her publication “Geek Jeremiads: Speaking the Crisis of Job Loss by Opposing Offshored and H-1B Labor” with its Article of the Year Award, and she was awarded the Deans’ Excellence Award for Research and Creative Activity in 2014.
Rodino-Colocino’s articles have been published in such journals as Communication, Culture and Critique; Critical Studies in Media Communications; Democratic Communiqué; New Media & Society; and Feminist Media Studies, among others. She has published dozens of peer-reviewed and scholarly journal articles, book chapters, and essays, and she has presented research at international, national, and local conferences conducted by the Association of Internet Researchers, Console-ing Passions, the International Communication Association, the National Communication Association, Schreyer Honors College, and the Union for Democratic Communications. She serves on the editorial boards of four peer-reviewed scholarly journals: Ada: A Journal of Gender, New Media and Technology (also a founding member); ICA's Communication, Culture and Critique, tripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique, and Women’s Studies in Communication.