Moral Agency and Moral Development Initiative
The Rock Ethics Institute’s Moral Agency and Moral Development initiative focuses on fostering research collaborations about moral experience, deliberation, judgment, and action, and forms of education that support the development of moral agency.
Integral to the initiative is the Moral Agency Workshop, which is directed by Daryl Cameron, the convener of this initiative.
The Moral Agency Workshop is an interdisciplinary working group that brings together faculty and graduate students from a diverse range of disciplines to study ethics and morality.
The Moral Agency and Moral Development initiative also hosts a number of events, including the recurring Expanding Empathy Speaker series.
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Topic(s): Expanding Empathy Lecture Series, Global Issues, Health
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C. Daryl Cameron (co-authored with Veerpal Bambrah and Michael Inzlicht)
(Motivation and Emotion,
C. Daryl Cameron (co-authored with Spring, V. L. and Cikara, M.)
(Trends in Cognitive Sciences, Cell Press,
C. Daryl Cameron (co-authored with Spring, V. L., McKee, S., and Todd, A.)
(Social Psychological and Personality Science,