Consortium on Moral Decision-Making

Consortium on Moral Decision-Making


The Consortium on Moral Decision-Making ( is an interdisciplinary network of scholars in the social sciences (and humanities) dedicated to studying empathy, ethics, and moral decision-making. In 2023-2024, we continued to develop an interdisciplinary network of researchers on ethics and morality here at Penn State. This started in the fall with several internal talks by scholars at Penn State, including a fall highlight of a political polarization research meeting that we followed up with to develop research project ideas in the spring. We launched a website to create a further digital imprint and coordinated with several Penn State departments and institutes to broaden the reach and impact of our work. In the spring, we awarded nearly $20,000 in seed grants to develop new interdisciplinary research projects. We continued with the Expanding Empathy Speaker Series for the sixth year, bringing together psychologists and philosophers to talk about ethics and empathy – the Zoom format once again allowed us to invite speakers around the world and also have a broad international audience. Lastly, the capstone was the Expanding Empathy Special Event on Empathy, Morality, & AI, a hybrid conference that brought together researchers in psychology, philosophy, engineering, and computer science to talk about scientific and normative implications of AI. In sum, the internal and public-facing morality events helped to launch the first formal year of the Consortium on Moral Decision-Making and forward our research community.

Primary Investigator(s):

Senior Research Associate in the Rock Ethics Institute
Associate Professor of Psychology
2023–26 Joyce L. and Douglas S. Sherwin Early Career Professor in the Rock Ethics Institute