Honoring Survival: Transforming the Spirit

Honoring Survival: Transforming the Spirit
Apr 12, 2022
– 6:00PM
Pasquerilla 107: Memorial Lounge

Every year, as part of UPUA’s SVAP Week, the Gender Equity Center hosts the “Honoring Survival Event” in collaboration with Centre Safe. This program honors the strength and resiliency of survivors of sexual, emotional and physical violence, and those who support them in their healing process. The intention is to bring these issues to light, focus on the courage and tenacity of the survivors, and highlight Penn State’s resources for those who are/have been victims of violence. Participants will have the opportunity to listen to the stories of survivors and those who support them through poetry, storytelling and music. In addition to stories, we will have a performance from the Penn State Acapella group, Blue in the Face. Additionally, the Penn State Arts and Wellness Committee will be leading the group in a collaborative art project of survivor fabric loom, where fabrics collected throughout the week will be added in addition to those made by honoring survival attendees.

This engagement is sponsored by UPUA, the Gender Equity Center, Center Safe, the Rock Ethics Institute, and the Department of Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies.